Page tree


series = X axis "group by" data

values = Y axis  "aggregation of those groups, the aggregated data



If you see something "off" like this:

Respond by switching the options you chose under Series and Value.

To go back and edit, choose Edit then the small gear.

Adding a Drill-Down




Creating a Click-Through Dashboard (aka Interactive Widget)


series = X axis "group by" data

values = Y axis  "aggregation of those groups, the aggregated data



If you see something "off" like this:

Respond by switching the options you chose under Series and Value.

To go back and edit, choose Edit then the small gear.

Adding a Drill-Down





Layered boxes indicates a click-through


Tags & Comments - consider using these to identify and quicky find reports and queries and dashboards you've created or want to make available to your group.  Also, use the comments to add a desciption of what you've made so that others can more readily understand what it is.

















  • No labels